Administered by the Kerr County Sheriff's OfficeConstruction of the current Kerr County Jail began in 2016 adding 17,885 sq. ft. This increased the 192-bed facility to a 328-bed facility capable of housing in-county inmates as well as inmates from select jurisdictions by contract. A total of 240 state-of-the art cameras were installed, which was an increase of 120 cameras, providing maximized security.
The Jail is now supported by over 40 Corrections Officers under the direct supervision of Jail Administrator, Sylvia Foraker.
See below for hours, inmate information, visitation information, and inmate accounts.
Sylvia Foraker, Jail Administrator
Sylvia has been in law enforcement for over 27 years. She started with the Bandera County Sheriff’s Office in 1995 as a Dispatcher & Corrections Officer. In 2001, she joined the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office as a Corrections Officer while also attending the Law Enforcement Academy. After graduating the Academy, she was promoted to Training Sergeant in the Jail Division and continued her advancement to Assistant Jail Administrator in 2004 and in 2006 she took her current position as Jail Administrator. She currently has a total of 48 employees and oversees the 328 bed facility. Under her administration, the Kerr County Jail has had a 100% score for every annual State Jail Inspection.
Sylvia has achieved her Master Jailer Certification, is a Licensed Peace Office and an AACOG Instructor in Kerr County. She is on the AACOG Advisory Board for training and a current member of the Texas Jail Association. She received her certificate for completing the FBI LEEDA Leadership Trilogy.
Assistant Jail Administrator, Andrew Blizzard
Lieutenant Blizzard started as a Corrections Officer on August 1st, 2008. In 2009, he was promoted to second in command on shift and ran shift when the Sergeant was gone. In 2010, he transferred into a booking/classification position and then promoted to Assistant Jail Administrator/Lieutenant in 2011.
Lieutenant Blizzard is now in charge of four shift Sergeants, one Training Sergeant and all Corrections Officers. He also oversees the Kitchen and Commissary programs. His duties include ordering supplies for the jail and selecting trustees for the inmate work programs. He also oversees the daily operations and court transports for the Jail.
He currently holds an Advanced Jailer Certification, TCOLE Instructor License, and Field Training Officer Certification. He is also an Instructor in Taser, OC pepper Spray, and JPX Pepper Gun.
He has 1,236 TCOLE Training hours and is a recipient of the FBI LEEDA Leadership Trilogy award. He is also a current member of the Texas Jail Association.
Training Sergeant, Brady Rosinbaum
Sgt. Brady Rosinbaum has been with the Kerr County Sheriff’s Department since August of 2009. Sgt. Rosinbaum started his career as a floor officer in the jail. He was moved quickly up to second in command on his shift and then to the rank of Corporal. Then in October of 2015 he was promoted to the rank of Training Sergeant in the Jail Division of the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office. All of his training and experience has allowed him to become knowledgeable in all aspects of corrections.
As a Law Enforcement instructor, he is responsible for teaching the Basic County Corrections Courses that are hosted by Kerr County Sheriff’s Office each year. He is also responsible for the continuous training of all Corrections staff and Peace Officers in need of certifications.
Some of Sgt. Rosinbaum’s current duties include training of newly assigned personnel, monitoring jail activities for compliance with jail standards, and performing background investigations for employment.
Certifications: Advanced Jailers License, Basic Instructor, Certified Taser Instructor, Certified JPX4 pepper gun instructor, Corrections Emergency Response Team or (C.E.R.T) member, FBI LEEDA Trilogy member
Looking for Kerr County Jail Booking Records?
Jail Resources
TDCJ - Inmate LocatorVictim Info & Notification (VINE)
Victim resources to find an offender, find a court case, or other public information regarding criminal justice and corrections in the State of Texas.
The VINE toll-free number for the Texas Statewide VINE system is 877-894-8463. (Offsite link)
Jail Hours & Contact Information
Visitation Hours:
Males: Friday & Saturday
Females: Sunday
Scheduling Visitation:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:30a-11:30a & 1:30p-4:00p
(830) 315-2480 - Scheduling Only
Jail Phone (830) 896-1257.
Visitation Rules
You must have in your possession a valid state driver's license or state identification card.
No one under 17 years of age will be allowed in the facility except with a guardian.
Proper conduct is required by all visitors. Improper conduct will result in termination of the visit. Visitors who have indications of alcohol or drug use will not be allowed visitation.
The jail administration reserves the right to deny visitation to persons deemed to be improperly dressed or suspected of carrying contraband.
Visits are limited to one -1 hour visit or 2- 30 minute visits per week. Visitation appointments may be made on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY only. Times to call to make appointments: 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m. No exceptions.
Male Inmate Visitation
Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Children can visit on Friday and Saturday.
Female Inmate Visitation
Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Children can visit on Sunday.
Inmate Deposits
Money Orders, Mailed to:
Kerr County Inmate Commissary
Inmate Name
400 Clearwater Paseo
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Or use JAILATM.COM, or ATM located at the entrance to the jail visitation area.
Kerr County Detention Center has a large commissary selection.
Inmates are allowed to purchase items out of commissary once a week, order is placed on Tuesdays and received on Thursdays. Inmates that are indigent are given personal hygiene items, paper, pen, envelopes, and stamps weekly.
Money orders must be received before 12:00 noon on Monday for Tuesday's commissary order. Balances of inmate's account will only be given to the inmate. NO outside packages will be accepted.
The Kerr County Jail no longer accepts money orders in the front lobby for Inmate Trust Fund deposits. The jail has installed a new jail ATM in the front lobby. This will allow family members to deposit directly into an Inmate's account. The machine will accept credit/debit cards and also cash. The machine is located in the front lobby of the Sheriff's Office and is available 24 hours a day for your convenience! There is a $3.25 fee for cash deposits and a charge of 10% on credit and debit cards. While we understand these fees are a slight inconvenience we hope that the convenience of 24 hours a day will offset that cost. The Sheriff's Office does not set this fee nor profit from this fee.
Mailing an Inmate
When Corresponding with an inmate in jail, you must have your return address on the envelope. Address the envelope as follows.......
Inmate Name
Kerr County Jail
PO Box 591
Longview, TX 75606
The following items will NOT be allowed by mail or delivery:
No Envelopes or Stamps
No Pens, pencils, or paper
No Books - (unless sent directly form the distributor or bookstore - Soft cover only)
No Magazines and newspapers
No Polaroid pictures
No cash money of any kind (money orders will be deposited in the inmate's funds)
No clothing of any kind
No tobacco of any kind
No personal hygiene products